Aamir Khan Pays Tribute To Jain Saint Dr. Mahendra Kumar Ji —

Movie Talkies
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publive-imageA few days ago, Bollywood's Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan had met Jain Saint Scientist Dr. Mahendra Kumar ji and had a deep conversation with producer Mahaveer Jain and Sr. IRS Ashok Kothari about Jain philosophies, spirituality, and science. They discussed that harmony is urgently needed today to unite science and spirituality.publive-image

Muni Mahendra Kumarji was often referred to as the "human computer." He had demonstrated Avadhana Vidya, the rare ancient science of memory power and oral mathematical calculations, at several universities and international conferences. His book The Enigma of the Universe was launched by respected late-ex president, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.publive-imageMahaveer Jain and Ashok Kothari shared that Aamir Khan himself admires and follows Jain principles like Anekantavada (respect the different perspectives), non-violence, and Aprigraha (the virtue of non-possessiveness, to use only what you need). The disciple of Jain Terapanth Acharya Mahashramanji, Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumarji, passed into heavenly abode on April 6 in Mumbai.

Aamir Khan