Veteran Marathi and Hindi Actor Satish Joshi Dies While Performing On Stage

Movie Talkies
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Satish Joshi

Satish Joshi Demise

Satish Joshi, a veteran Marathi and Hindi actor, died on Sunday in a shocking manner. The actor took leave of this mortal word while performing on stage. We, at Movie Talkies, pray for his soul to rest in peace.

The incident took place on Sunday when Satish Joshi was performing at Brahman Sabha, Girgaon, Mumbai. He collapsed on the stage after performing his entry scene and was then taken to the nearest hospital. He was declared dead at the hospital.

The news was confirmed by Marathi actor and director Rajesh Deshpande, who was present at the venue. He shared on his Facebook account, "आमचे ज्येष्ठ मित्र अभिनेते सतीश  जोशी यांचे आज रंगोत्सवात  स्टेजवरच दुःखद निधन  झाले  जाण्या पूर्वी  त्यानी   अभिनय पण केला होता  ओम शांती ओम  🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼सृजन द creation च्या कार्यक्रमात घडलेली ही घटना नाही ह्याची कृपया नोंद माध्यम प्रतिनिधींनी घ्यावी..कारण तशी बातमी कुणीतरी प्रसिद्ध केली आहे..आज 11 वाजता मध्यांदिन ब्राह्मण सभा येथे गिरगाव  रंगभूमी वर एक छोटा प्रवेश सादर केला.त्या नंतर अस्वस्थ झाले.आणि लगेच हरकिसन दास हॉस्पिटल ल आणले.थोड्याच वेळात प्राणज्योत मालवली."