Avatar 3: James Cameron Confirms Release Date As Christmas 2025

Sameer Ahire
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Avatar 3Avatar 3 release date: James Cameron's Avatar franchise is too big with box office numbers, so the delays in the making don't bother fans much. After the release of Avatar in 2009, fans had to wait 13 years for Avatar 2. But the wait for Avatar 3 is not longer than 3 years.

James Cameron was recently in New Zealand, and he confirmed the Avatar 3 release while speaking to the media.publive-image"We're into a very hectic two years of post-production right now. So it will be Christmas of 2025," stated James Cameron when asked if the third film in the Avatar franchise was going to be delayed or not.

As of now, the schedule of the upcoming Avatar movie looks like this:

Avatar 3 on December 19, 2025

Avatar 4 on December 21, 2029

Avatar 5 on December 19, 2031

James Cameron Avatar 3