Naal 2 : Nagraj Manjule Kicks Off The Sequel Of National Award Winning Blockbuster 'Naal'

Sameer Ahire
Updated On
New Update

publive-image Marathi and Bollywood director Nagraj Manjule played the lead role in the Marathi movie Naal (2018), and the film emerged as a blockbuster. The film became highest grossing Marathi film of that year and also won one National award. Now, Manjule has begun shooting for the sequel, tentatively titled Naal 2. Check out the first look of team "Naal 2" below:

Announcing the sequel, Nagraj Manjule shared the story of how Naal 2 went on floors, writing, "मागच्या महिन्यात सुधाकरने अचानक फोन करून सांगितलं की नाळचा दुसरा भाग लिहिलाय. ऐकवायला कधी भेटुयात ? नाळ चा दुसरा भाग काय होऊ शकतो याबाबत माझ्याही मनात उत्सुकता तयार झाली. स्क्रिप्ट ऐकली ती इतकी अनपेक्षित तरीही सहज नि भारी होती की दोन महिन्यांच्या जय्यत तयारीनिशी फिल्मचं शूटिंग झटक्यात सुरू केलं. पहिल्या "नाळ" प्रमाणेच 'नाळ'चा दुसरा भागही संस्मरणीय होईल अशी आशा आहे ! "नाळ 2" नावानं चांगभलं !!!"

Translation : "Last month, Sudhakar suddenly called and said that he had written the second part of Naal. When should we meet for the narration? Even I got curious to know what could happen with the second part of Naal. I heard the script and it was so unexpected yet easy and overwhelming that we decided to kick start the shooting of the film within two months of quick preparation. Hope the second part of 'Naal' will be as memorable as the first 'Naal'!"

Nagraj Manjule Naal 2