Ryan Reynolds Wanted To Be A Fireman!

Jaidev Hemmady
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publive-imageHollywood heart-throb Ryan Reynolds, known for playing the mutant Deadpool in the X-Men series, recently revealed that he wanted to be a fireman before he decided to come to Los Angeles and become an actor.

Reynolds said, "When I was a kid, about 15 or 16, I did a year of a survival school in Canada called Trek. You do a year's worth of school in two months and then you spend the remaining 10 months in the wilderness in British Columbia. You live in the Rocky Mountains, on glaciers. You have to set up camps and learn to feed yourself with nothing. It was really life-changing. One of my brothers, who's a cop, also does Search and Rescue stuff, so I was going to do that. Then I was going to join the Fire Department, but I couldn't get in. So I was like, 'I guess it's off to LA I go'."

In upcoming animation film The Croods, Ryan Reynolds will voice the character of Guy, who ironically enough, introduces 'fire' to a cave family and takes them to new adventures.

Ryan Reynolds X-Men