Tina Fey: Actress Strips for Final Appearance on 'The Late Show with David Letterman'

Altaf Merchant
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publive-imageTina Fey is such a fan of David Letterman that she gave him the dress off her back!

Articulating it as a send-off for host David Letterman, Fey took off her dress to reveal a spandex outfit on "The Late Show" Thursday night.

Fey looked sizzling in a skintight blue and black getup on the show. She pointed out to Letterman on Thursday's Late Show that she doesn't dress this nice for just any host. Letterman was impressed, comparing the 30 Rock star to the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton.

Fey declared that this appearance, her 20th on the show, would be the last time she wears a fancy dress on late-night television. “I dress up like this out of respect for you,” she explained.

That being said, the dress had to go. Fey explained, "my gift to you is I want to give you the dress."

Letterman then helped Fey unzip her outfit, revealing the Spanx underneath. The front of her garment read "Bye Dave," and when she flashed her derrière it said "#LastDressEver."

It's sure gonna be hard to top this farewell!

Letterman's last Late Show airs May 20th and is expected to be a bittersweet show.

A farewell to beat all farewells, we must say.

Tina Fey