Tom Hanks In Negotiations To Essay Heroic Pilot Captain Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger In Upcoming Biopic Directed By Clint Eastwood

Altaf Merchant
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publive-imageThe hunt for an actor to portray Captain Chesly "Stulley" Sullenberger may just have gotten over with Tom Hanks. Clint Eastwood who will be directing the upcoming biopic based on the true-life heroism along with Warner Bros who are behind the movie are in talks with Hanks for the same. The film is based on the incident which was dubbed Miracle on the Hudson.

The film is being produced by Eastwood, Tim Moore and veteran producers Allyn Stewart and Frank Marshall.

The story of Sullenberg made national headlines in January 2009. Captain Chesley ''Sully'' Sullenberger, became an instant American hero in 2009 when he engineered a miraculous emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River after a flock of geese hit the plane just after it took off from La Guardia Airport. His courage under fire saved the lives of all 155 people aboard the plane, who famously crowded the wings waiting rescue.

When Eastwood recently declared his intention to make the film at Warner Bros —  many wondered whether there was anybody but Eastwood who should play Sully, the nickname by which the veteran pilot became known. Well, the other guy would be Hanks, who, from Apollo 13 to Forrest Gump to Captain Phillips, has been Hollywood’s other go-to guy for hero turns. This gives Warner Bros a heck of a combination to tell this story.

Eastwood will direct the new biopic from a screenplay by Todd Komarnicki, which was based on the book Highest Duty: My Search For What Really Matters, by Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow.

Tom Hanks Clint Eastwood